Let's say I have a dataframe that looks like this:
R1 R2 R3 ... R99 R100
-1 -1 2 ... 3 57
45 -1 -1 ... -1 37
I want to be create a new column which implements the following logic: If all of the values across the columns specified in mycols
equal -1
, then TRUE
, else FALSE
. So, if I set mycols <- c("R2", "R3", "R99")
, then the result would be
On the other hand, if I set mycols <- c("R1", "R2")
, then the result would be
How can this be done for general mycols
? I would prefer a solution using dplyr. Also, I want to be able to keep all the columns after the operation.
UPDATE: To decide which solution to accept, I decided to compare the performance of all the methods:
n <- 1e4
p <- 100
x <- runif(n*p); x[x < 0.8] <- -1
col_no <- paste0("R", rep(seq(1, p), n))
id <- rep(1:n, each = p)
df <- data.frame(id, x, col_no)
df <- df %>% spread(col_no, x)
foo <- function(df, mycols) {
bind_cols(df, somefeature = df %>%
select(mycols) %>%
rowwise() %>%
do( (.) %>% as.data.frame %>%
mutate(temp = all(. == -1))) %>%
bar <- function(df, mycols) {
df$somefeature = rowSums(df[mycols] != -1) == 0
baz <- function(df, mycols) {
df %>%
mutate(somefeature = map(.[mycols], `==`, -1) %>%
reduce(`+`) %>%
{. == length(mycols) })
mycols <- paste0("R", c(1:50))
res1 <- foo(df, mycols) # Takes roughly a minute on my machine
res2 <- bar(df, mycols)
res3 <- baz(df, mycols)
# Verify all methods give the same solution
stopifnot(ncol(res1) == ncol(res2))
stopifnot(ncol(res1) == ncol(res3))
stopifnot(all(res1$somefeature == res2$somefeature))
stopifnot(all(res1$somefeature == res3$somefeature))
# Time the methods (not foo, as it is much slower than the other two)
microbenchmark(bar(df, mycols), baz(df, mycols))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
bar(df, mycols) 3.926076 5.534273 6.782348 6.468424 7.019863 30.70699 100
baz(df, mycols) 8.289160 9.598482 11.726803 10.208659 10.909052 72.72334 100
The base R solution is the fastest. However, I did specify that I wanted to use tidyverse, hence I decided to accept the solution that provided the fastest tidyverse-based solution.