
If you visit official Lombok Maven guide, you will see that it's scope should be provided. When I create a new project from scratch using start.spring.io and add Lombok, it gets only <optional>true</optional> in resulting pom. Then I package Spring boot app like this and out of curiosity decide to see what gets packaged inside of jar:

mvn clean package -DskipTests=true && unzip target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -d exploded

Lombok is packaged, does not matter if I set scope to provided or only have optional=true.

How to prevent Lombok from being included to Spring Boot jar?

My last thought was to try another goal which comes with Spring Boot plugin:

mvn spring-boot:repackage

But unfortunately it produces the following error:

repackage failed: Source file must be provided


2 Answers


Lombok will only be available in a seperate folder lib-provided instead of the usual lib folder if you are packaging war file.

In order to exclude lombok completely from the final jar/war file, you have to do this:


Please refer to Exclude a dependancy section of Spring Boot Maven Plugin https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.3.x/maven-plugin/reference/html/#repackage-example-exclude-dependency for more details.


Looks like it's a transitive dependency of one of your dependency. If you confirm it, you know what to do.