I'd like to substitute one reoccurring string in a list of cells with several options of strings to receive a list of all possible combinations.
For better understanding I prepared a sheet for you: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SKvwWIE9LqM9pYZ90r68h3Sl_Bl8Keid21Y0ukokqUM/edit?usp=sharing
In this example I have a list of expressions (A2:A) that all include the word "next" which I would like to have replaced with all the available options (B2:B) to create a list of all possible combinations (C2:C)
I know that in order to create all possible combinations of A2:A and B2:B I can use: =ArrayFormula(transpose(split(rept(concatenate(A2:A&char(9)),counta(B2:B)),char(9))) &" "&transpose(split(concatenate(rept(B2:B&char(9),counta(A2:A))),char(9))))