
I have a purchased product called Multiscraper (MS), which is basically built on CI 2.1.3, and is a webpage scraper for various shopping carts.

So, why do I want to use vqmod (of something else that can bring about similar results)? Because I have modifications and additions I want to make to improve the functionality of MS.

Why do I not make these changes in the same file? Because the developers of the product post updates to their product which may offer improvements. If I start modifying the original files directly, it will become very difficult to manage these updates when they arrive. I am hoping for a way to modify these files with only the functions I want to improve upon. If it can be done with VQMOD, then it will be much easier to debug and fix things after an update.

So I tried installing VQMOD and the effects only affect the \system\core and nothing else.

How to manage it? Anybody?

NOTE: I am aware that CI has functionality to extend classes. I posted another question on that subject here: How to extend classes in purchased product (Multiscraper) built on Codeigniter 2.1.3


1 Answers


No there's no version of this for codeigniter but you have an integration guide here https://github.com/vqmod/vqmod/wiki/Integration-with-Other-Platforms