I have two ontologies called ontology A and ontology B without any individuals in both of them. Simply, I need to get a concept C1 in ontology A with its sub concepts (a sub hierarchy of concepts) and merge it to a concept in ontology B. Is there an easy way to achieve this in OWL API or do I have to code this logic from scratch?
I have looked into some other related questions, but they doesn't contain what I need. Protege only contains the option to merge two ontologies which is not the requirement of mine (Merge Ontology with Protege-OWL API). This question I found about merging ontologies also does the merging of complete ontologies (How to properly merge 2 ontologies with OWL API 4 or 3.5). What I want is to merge a part of an ontology to another.
Very simply, is there an easy way in OWL API to merge a part of an ontology (a sub hierarchy of concepts) to another ontology?
Thanks in advance.
getSubClassHierarchy(OWLClass root)
- but as I said, it's pretty simple to implement. Feel free to ask here if you have any issues with it – UninformedUser