
I have MSC 6 Web application (.Net Core 2.1) and wants to embed the Power BI report using REST API. I am easily able to embed the report in.Net 4.6 web app, but facing issues in .Net Core app.

I am getting issue while getting the auth token for a native app created on Azure. I followed example here but it didn't work for me.

  • I have created the Power BI workspace on Azure and provided access to me
  • Registered the new native app on Azure and provided the AAD & Power BI service access.

Anybody having PoC of accessing Power BI REST API for .Net core app? Please provide the pointers for this issue.

Thanks, Rohan

What "it didn't work for me" means? Please, be more specific. The question you linked already gives a POC code for this. Other PoC will not look any differentAndrey Nikolov
@AndreyNikolov - Thanks for quick reply. I have used the "MakeAsyncRequest" method (as per example in the example) that does not return the token. I am getting error as "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value". This is on statement codevar AAD = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AAD>(result);Rohan
And what was the value of result in this case?Andrey Nikolov
@AndreyNikolov - It returns the raw HTML with script tag. And thos are not having any token related informationRohan
@Rohan , you can use Fiddler or browser's develop tools to trace the request . The first thing is to confirm no error occurs when requesting the access token .Nan Yu

1 Answers


My team had this issue. The AAD account could not follow through the authentication channels. However, we were able to make it work with a tenant account ( tenant@MyOrgOnline.onmicrosoft.com ).