I have a program that parses the XML data of a Visio file. In this file there is a grouped shape consisting of several master shapes. Like so:
Each shape has a Property called Pin
Pin 1 is the default value saved in the master shape. When I unzip the Visio file and look at the XML data, the "Pin" property will not show up on pin 1, but it will be there for all the other pins.
<PageContents xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/visio/2012/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xml:space="preserve">
<Shape ID="2010" Type="Group" LineStyle="7" FillStyle="7" TextStyle="7" UniqueID="{B849B0B2-94FC-4CC7-843F-6A55BDBD37E6}">
<Cell N="PinX" V="8.484814432615094"/>
<Section N="Property">
<Row N="REF">
<Cell N="Value" V="X999" U="STR"/>
<Shape ID="2" NameU="Pin.1994" IsCustomNameU="1" Name="Pin.1994" IsCustomName="1" Type="Group" Master="126" UniqueID="{216A72DB-F8E9-4C30-9C34-DE9A8448552B}">
<Cell N="PinX" V="0.07874015748031506" F="Sheet.1!Width*0.5"/>
<Text callout and background shapes>
<Shape ID="6" NameU="Pin.2002" IsCustomNameU="1" Name="Pin.2002" IsCustomName="1" Type="Group" Master="126">
<Cell N="PinX" V="0.07874015748031506" F="Sheet.1!Width*0.5"/>
<Section N="Property">
<Row N="Pin">
<Cell N="Value" V="2" U="STR"/>
<Text callout and background shapes>
If I rename the "Pin" property to anything other than "1" the property will show up just like it does on Pin 2. I thought this was because it was stored in the Master Shape, but there is no "Property" tag in the master file either.
<MasterContents xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/visio/2012/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xml:space="preserve">
<Shape ID="5" Type="Group" LineStyle="0" FillStyle="0" TextStyle="0" UniqueID="{F811FFC2-FDBC-4EFF-97CF-13F5FFBC677C}">
<Cell N="PinX" V="0"/>
<Section N="User">...</Section>
<Section N="Geometry">...</Section>
<Shape ID="6" NameU="Text callout" IsCustomNameU="1" Name="Text callout" IsCustomName="1" Type="Group" LineStyle="3" FillStyle="3" TextStyle="3" UniqueID="{4CF654FB-78A6-413C-A551-70A86FC63644}">...</Shape>
Since Visio is displaying the value it must get the property name and value from somewhere but i have no idea where it does that.
When i parse the file i look for the "Pin" property and extract data from other properties that are in the shape, but when the "Pin" property is not present it will skip all that information for every Pin 1 in the document.
I will attach the complete xml files here if anyone wants to have a look at them.
*Edit: Zipfile with all XML files
*Edit2: VSDX file