I have written a very simple Nifi template which first lists and then fetches an object from a bucket on Google Cloud Storage. Obviously, when fetching the object, Nifi tries to download the object from the bucket using internet. My question is that, if I want to ingest such object to other Google Cloud services, such as Pub/Sub or Cloud Datastore, do I need to download this files to a separate node?
Why should I not have another node in Google Cloud which could be in the same group of IPs as in Google Cloud Storage? So instead of downloading from the internet it would be just transferring the object among a network?
Another question I have: does the Dataflow default templates for transferring files and objects for buckets to other services such as Pub/Sub obey similar principle? I mean if they use internet connection to transfer object from a bucket to Pub/Sub or of they transfer the object among network nodes?