I am writing a device driver to handle interrupts for a PCIe card, which currently works for any interrupt vector raised on the IRQ line.
But it has a few types that can be raised, flagged by the Vector register. So now I need to read the vector information and be a bit cleverer...
So, do I :-
1/ Have separate dev nodes /dev/int1
, /dev/int2
, etc for each interrupt type, and just doc that int1
is for vector type A etc?
1.1/ As each file/char-devices will have its own minor
number, when opened I'll know which is which. i think.
1.2/ ldd3 seems to demo this method.
2/ Have one node /dev/int
(as I do now) and have multiple processes hanging off the same read
method? sounds better?!
2.1/ Then only wake the correct process up...?
2.2/ Do I use separate wait_queue_head_t wait_queue
s? Or different flag
/test conditions?
In the read
wait_event_interruptible(wait_queue, flag);
In the handler not real code! :-
int vector = read_vector();
if vector = A then
wake_up_interruptible(wait_queue, flag)
EDIT: notes from peoples comments :-
1) my user-space code mmap
's all of the PCIe firmware registers
2) User-space code has a few threads, each perform a blocking read
on the device driver device nodes, which then returns data from the firmware when an interrupt occurs. I need the correct thread woken up depending on the interrupt type.