Currently my LB has a IPv4 frontend address and one backend pool with 5 VMs with IPv4 private addresses. We would like to add IPv6 support to our Service Fabric cluster. I found this article: and I see a lot of "Currently not supported" texts.
The IPv6 address is assigned to the LB, but I cannot make rules:
Failed to save load balancer rule 'rulename'. Error: Frontend ipConfiguration '/subscriptions/...' referring to PublicIp with PublicIpAddressVersion 'IPv6' does not match with PrivateIpAddressVersion 'IPv4' referenced by backend ipConfiguration '/subscriptions/...' for the load balancer rule '/subscriptions/...'.
When I try to add a new backend pool, I get this message:
One basic SKU load balancer can only be associated with one virtual machine scale set at any point of time
- When can we expect the feature to have multiple LBs before one VMSS?
- Is it possible to add IPv6 frontend without adding IPv6 to the backend (NAT64?)?
- Is it possible to add IPv6 addresses to an existing VM scale set without recreating it?