
This is for the nth time that I'm trying to connect to my github account and its becoming increasingly frustrating at my failure to do this.

I followed this tutorial step by step Github setup on windows but I failed at step 5, i.e. Test everything out.

ssh [email protected]

gives me this

ssh: github.com: no address associated with name

Any ideas what is wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm using the default git installation which comes with railsinstaller on Windows XP (behind a proxy)


4 Answers


You need to at least set an HTTP_PROXY variable environment.

set HTTPS_PROXY=http://<login_internet>:<password_internet>@aproxy:aport
set HTTP_PROXY=http://<login_internet>:<password_internet>@aproxy:aport

Or, for bash session:

 export http_proxy=http://<login_internet>:<password_internet>@aproxy:aport
 export https_proxy=http://<login_internet>:<password_internet>@aproxy:aport

Make sure %HOME% (or $HOME) is set to a directory where you did store your .ssh config

Then, for git commands:

git config --system http.sslcainfo \\bin\\curl-ca-bundle.crt
git config --global http.proxy http://<login_internet>:<password_internet>@aproxy:aport
git config --global user.name <short_username>
git config --global user.email <email>
git config --global github.user <github_username>
git config --global github.token <github_token>

Note: for bash session:

git config --system http.sslcainfo /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt

To avoid GitHub asking for your password, create a _netrc file in your HOME (or a .netrc for bash session)

machine github.com
login <login_github>
password <password_github>

Update 2012

Note that since git1.7.10 (2012), you can use a credential caching mechanism in order to avoid having to store in plain text your login/password (in a %HOME%/_netrc file).


For those who don't have a proxy enabled and the problem persists, I found the solution! It's a problem with Yosemite. Apple replaced the mDNSResponder by the discoveryd. It's a service and you can unload and load it back:

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.discoveryd.plist

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.discoveryd.plist

This post explains every detail:


It worked for me!


If you are behind a proxy, are you also behind a firewall? Please try to run ssh -v [email protected] to see what's going on behind the scenes. For my setup, my ~/.ssh/config looks like this:

Host github.com
ProxyCommand /c/windows/connect.exe -H name_of_proxy:8080 %h %p
User git
Port 443
Hostname ssh.github.com
TCPKeepAlive yes
IdentitiesOnly yes

The ProxyCommand is described here.


It seems like you might not have configured your SSH config properly. The reason github.com is unresolvable is because you are probably pointed to a DNS server that doesn't resolve queries outside your domain.

I wrote a whole blog post about this so take a look here: http://returnbooleantrue.blogspot.com/2009/06/using-github-through-draconian-proxies.html

Hope this helps.