
I read here that EVM cards will sign some transaction data.

I would like to do this with my card, using my phone, and verify that the signature on the result is correct.

To start, I issued this command ("request APDU"):


One of the "Application IDs" was this:


So then I issued this command ("Select Payment application"):


and it returned this "Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)":


I read here how to decode this, because I couldn't find the official spec anywhere:

  • 9F6604 - the tag 9f 66 represents the terminal transaction qualifiers
  • 9F0206 - tag 9f 02 stands for authorized amount. The PDOL list must have the amount, authorized, coded into 6h bytes added to it.
  • 9F3704 - tag 9f 37 stands for unpredictable number, thus encode such a number in 4 bytes and add it to the list

and here how to decode this:

  • 5F2A02 - TX currency code

I understand the next step is to run "Get Processing Options" but this is where I got stuck. I tried:

  • 80:A8:00:00:02:83:00:00
  • 80:A8:00:00:12:83:10:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:00
  • 80:A8:00:00:12:83:10:F3:20:40:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:04:04:06:03:05:08:00
  • 80:A8:00:00:02:83:10:F3:20:40:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:04:04:06:03:05:08:00

All gave back a result of 6D:00 (Instruction code not programmed or invalid).

I tried looking in "emv book 3" and "emv book 4" but neither seem to contain the relevant information.

What do I need to do next in order to make a transaction, sign, and check the result?

Found some more relevant information here: stackoverflow.com/questions/23590256/…Jack
I also tried 80:A8:00:00:02:83:10:F3:20:40:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:04:04:06:03:05:08:00:40:00, was missing the country code at the end. that didn't work eitherJack
write command as - case 4 command like - CLA INS P1 P2 Lc DATA Le, above calculation of Lc should be 14 not 02, if doing test , test with good data to make it work.Arjun
On your third attempt [80:A8:00:00:12:83:10:F3:20:40:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:04:04:06:03:05:08:00] can you change TTQ Byte from F3 to B3 and give a try. Keep the remaining data same.Adarsh Nanu
Were you able to get your data signed with an EMV card?fnieto - Fernando Nieto

2 Answers


Your GPO commands needs to provide the PDOL values requested by the card. The requested tags are:

9F66 - 4 bytes
9F02 - 6 bytes
9F37 - 4 bytes
5F2A - 2 bytes

So the commands needs to provide these in the same order, with expected lengths.

Assuming you want to send the following sample values:

9F66: 11223344
9F02: 112233445566
9F37: 11223344
5F2A: 1122

Your GPO command will look like this:


Where the PDOL data is 11223344112233445566112233441122.

Hope this helps


If PDOL found in response of select application, here you need to pass the value of PDOL tags in GPO command,

can find a very good article Here. hope it helps.

enter image description here