I read here that EVM cards will sign some transaction data.
I would like to do this with my card, using my phone, and verify that the signature on the result is correct.
To start, I issued this command ("request APDU"):
One of the "Application IDs" was this:
So then I issued this command ("Select Payment application"):
and it returned this "Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)":
I read here how to decode this, because I couldn't find the official spec anywhere:
- 9F6604 - the tag 9f 66 represents the terminal transaction qualifiers
- 9F0206 - tag 9f 02 stands for authorized amount. The PDOL list must have the amount, authorized, coded into 6h bytes added to it.
- 9F3704 - tag 9f 37 stands for unpredictable number, thus encode such a number in 4 bytes and add it to the list
and here how to decode this:
- 5F2A02 - TX currency code
I understand the next step is to run "Get Processing Options" but this is where I got stuck. I tried:
- 80:A8:00:00:02:83:00:00
- 80:A8:00:00:12:83:10:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:00
- 80:A8:00:00:12:83:10:F3:20:40:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:04:04:06:03:05:08:00
- 80:A8:00:00:02:83:10:F3:20:40:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:04:04:06:03:05:08:00
All gave back a result of 6D:00 (Instruction code not programmed or invalid).
I tried looking in "emv book 3" and "emv book 4" but neither seem to contain the relevant information.
What do I need to do next in order to make a transaction, sign, and check the result?