
How would I declare a type that is typeof B and any class that extends B? I've made a type that accepts an array of classes that extends the Component class, but this isn't working on TSC 3.(1.4|2.1).

export class Component<S> {}

export type ComponentClass = new () => Component<{ message: string }>;

export interface ComponentFlags<S> {
	imports?: (typeof Component | new () => Component<any>)[]

export class Message extends Component<State> {}

export class Dialog extends Component<State> {
	constructor(el: HTMLDivElement) {
			imports: [Message]

This then raises an error when compiled.

type 'typeof Message' is not assignable to type 'typeof Component'.
That sounds better.axiac
Code seems to be fine with TypeScript 3.2.2. No TypeScript error.lurker
There. Just exposed a bit of the code I'm working with. Should make more sense now.user9016207
@lurker That's the code I'm working with, but I've removed stuff that doesn't relate to the question - that I don't want anyone to see yet.user9016207

1 Answers


Use this:

const a = <T extends new(...args: any) => B> (p: T|B) => p;

For your case:

export type NewComponnent = new (...args: any[]) => Component<any>;

export interface ComponentFlags<S> {
    imports?: (components: NewComponent[]) => void;
    // OR
    // imports?: (...components: NewComponent[]) => void;