
There is this example (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/searchservice/lookup-document#example) on how to search a document in the azure search index by passing in the key value. I want to do the same thing using Azure .NET SDK. Is there a way to do this through Azure .NET SDK? I know this is possible through Azure.NET SDK if we make the key searchable in the index. But in my case I am not supposed to make the key searchable.


1 Answers


I think you can find below what you were looking for. There is a Get method on ISearchIndexClient.Documents property, which does the job.

var searchClient = new SearchIndexClient(serviceName, indexName, new SearchCredentials(queryApiKey));

var document = searchClient.Documents.Get<YourDocument>(id);

And you need to mark your Id with Key attribute. This is the minimum required. Please remember about public setters. Otherwise, the document won't deserialize.

public class YourDocument
    public string Id { get; set; }