I'm sending push notification using FCM to Android device.
I'm using java based google API client for sending messages.
FCM request body for message using common notification object:
"message": {
"notification": {
"title": "FCM Notification",
"body": "Notification from FCM"
"data": {
"k1": "v1",
"k2": "v2"
"token": "eeNFUXuDQ:APA91bGaLh5UeJcyJctFWlvC32ezPk7ZWp-D05ImpPWbSv_yc49igOioyBOMZg3bxl8L8fvNWTQW6LcptwZoiOwHtIN24uNHox1s2ql1Ir5Rm9Jk1DXPAPe79o20GXHZhY04-TRzpaXe"
Message sent to Firebase for delivery, response:
"name": "projects/lacoya-1540956670279/messages/0:1544690320409950%b4fb2744b4fb2744"
But, in my android device, I'm getting only title value "FCM Notification"
as a notification but I want to see some data as well like some custom JSON.
Please through some light if you face this earlier.