I need to help with command "Ant clean all". I will try build one application of SAP Hybris, but, one class return de errors in to lines:
BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD cannot be resolved or is not a field
method with error:
public HSSFWorkbook createMDDExportFile(final List<JnJProductModel> products, final String fileName)
final String METHOD_NAME = "createMDDExportFile()";
LOGGER.info("JnJGTProductService" + Logging.HYPHEN + METHOD_NAME + Logging.HYPHEN + "Start of the method");
catalogVersionService.setSessionCatalogVersion(Jnjb2bCoreConstants.MDD_CATALOG_ID, Jnjb2bCoreConstants.ONLINE);
final String sheetName = "MDD_Products_Sheet_0";
final HSSFWorkbook excelWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
final HSSFFont font = excelWorkBook.createFont();
ERROR=> font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
final HSSFCellStyle style = excelWorkBook.createCellStyle();
final HSSFSheet sheet = excelWorkBook.createSheet(sheetName);
final HSSFRow downloadDateHeader = sheet.createRow(0);
downloadDateHeader.createCell(0).setCellValue("Download date");
final String currentTime = new Date().toString();
* final HSSFRow globalAccounHeader = sheet.createRow(1);
* globalAccounHeader.createCell(0).setCellValue("Global Account Name");
* globalAccounHeader.getCell(0).setCellStyle(style);
* globalAccounHeader.createCell(1).setCellValue(currentAccount);
final String filepath = Config.getParameter(Jnjb2bCoreConstants.EXPORT_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_PATH_KEY) + File.separator
+ fileName;
createMDDExcelFile(products, sheet, excelWorkBook, style, filepath);
final File file = new File(filepath);
catch (final Exception exception)
LOGGER.error("There was an error while trying to create the excel file for the catalog export", exception);
LOGGER.info("JnJGTProductService" + Logging.HYPHEN + METHOD_NAME + Logging.HYPHEN + "End of the method");
return excelWorkBook;
3) If you are using the newer version of API then tryfont.setBold(true)
doc – HybrisHelp