Here is an adaptation of the technique applied in set-monad to your case.
Note there is, as there must be, some "cheating". The structure includes extra value constructors to represent "return" and "bind". These act as suspended computations that need to be run. The Eq
instance is there part of the run
function, while the constructors that create the "suspension" are Eq
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Functor as F
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
-- for reference, the bind operation to be implemented
-- bind operation requires Eq
dlbind :: Eq b => [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
dlbind xs f = L.nub $ xs >>= f
-- data structure comes with incorporated return and bind
-- `Prim xs` wraps a list into a DL
data DL a where
Prim :: [a] -> DL a
Return :: a -> DL a
Bind :: DL a -> (a -> DL b) -> DL b
-- converts a DL to a list
run :: Eq a => DL a -> [a]
run (Prim xs) = xs
run (Return x) = [x]
run (Bind (Prim xs) f) = L.nub $ concatMap (run . f) xs
run (Bind (Return x) f) = run (f x)
run (Bind (Bind ma f) g) = run (Bind ma (\a -> Bind (f a) g))
-- lifting of Eq and Show instance
-- Note: you probably should provide a different instance
-- one where eq doesn't depend on the position of the elements
-- otherwise you break functor laws (and everything else)
instance (Eq a) => Eq (DL a) where
dxs == dys = run dxs == run dys
-- this "cheats", i.e. it will convert to lists in order to show.
-- executing returns and binds in the process
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (DL a) where
show = show . run
-- uses the monad instance
instance F.Functor DL where
fmap = liftM
-- uses the monad instance
instance A.Applicative DL where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
-- builds the DL using Return and Bind constructors
instance Monad DL where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- examples with bind for a "normal list" and a "distinct list"
list = [1,2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
dlist = (Prim [1,2,3,4]) >>= (\x -> Prim [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
And here is a dirty hack to make it more efficient, addressing the points raised below about evaluation of bind.
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Functor as F
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
dlbind xs f = L.nub $ xs >>= f
data DL a where
Prim :: Eq a => [a] -> DL a
Return :: a -> DL a
Bind :: DL b -> (b -> DL a) -> DL a
-- Fail :: DL a -- could be add to clear failure chains
run :: Eq a => DL a -> [a]
run (Prim xs) = xs
run (Return x) = [x]
run b@(Bind _ _) =
case foldChain b of
(Bind (Prim xs) f) -> L.nub $ concatMap (run . f) xs
(Bind (Return a) f) -> run (f a)
(Bind (Bind ma f) g) -> run (Bind ma (\a -> Bind (f a) g))
-- fold a chain ((( ... >>= f) >>= g) >>= h
foldChain :: DL u -> DL u
foldChain (Bind b2 g) = stepChain $ Bind (foldChain b2) g
foldChain dxs = dxs
-- simplify (Prim _ >>= f) >>= g
-- if (f x = Prim _)
-- then reduce to (Prim _ >>= g)
-- else preserve (Prim _ >>= f) >>= g
stepChain :: DL u -> DL u
stepChain b@(Bind (Bind (Prim xs) f) g) =
let dys = map f xs
pms = [Prim ys | Prim ys <- dys]
ret = [Return ys | Return ys <- dys]
bnd = [Bind ys f | Bind ys f <- dys]
in case (pms, ret, bnd) of
-- ([],[],[]) -> Fail -- could clear failure
(dxs@(Prim ys:_),[],[]) -> let Prim xs = joinPrims dxs (Prim $ mkEmpty ys)
in Bind (Prim $ L.nub xs) g
_ -> b
stepChain dxs = dxs
-- empty list with type via proxy
mkEmpty :: proxy a -> [a]
mkEmpty proxy = []
-- concatenate Prims in on Prim
joinPrims [] dys = dys
joinPrims (Prim zs : dzs) dys = let Prim xs = joinPrims dzs dys in Prim (zs ++ xs)
instance (Ord a) => Eq (DL a) where
dxs == dys = run dxs == run dys
instance (Ord a) => Ord (DL a) where
compare dxs dys = compare (run dxs) (run dys)
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (DL a) where
show = show . run
instance F.Functor DL where
fmap = liftM
instance A.Applicative DL where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad DL where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- cheating here, Prim is needed for efficiency
return' x = Prim [x]
s = [1,2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
t = (Prim [1,2,3,4]) >>= (\x -> Prim [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
r' = ((Prim [1..1000]) >>= (\x -> return' 1)) >>= (\x -> Prim [1..1000])
is not a monad. You might want to look at this set-monad – Jorge AdrianoFunctor
instance without breaking thefmap id = id
law? – 4castleDistinctList
that has duplicates in it (which would presumably be prevented by only exporting smart constructors). More problematic is the composition law, but this too can be fulfilled given sensible assumptions of how anEq
instance should behave. – leftaroundabout