I created a simple scala SBT application in IntelliJ. I have Scala 2.12.8 (the newest) and SBT 1.2.7. Java jdk in path is 9 and in project structure 8. I got this error while building it: Error while importing sbt project:
java.lang.VerifyError: Uninitialized object exists on backward branch 487
Exception Details:
scala/reflect/internal/Types.appliedType(Lscala/reflect/internal/Types$Type;Lscala/collection/immutable/List;)Lscala/reflect/internal/Types$Type; @545: goto
Error exists in the bytecode
0000000: 2cb6 02dd 9900 052b b003 3606 013a 072b
0000010: c101 7899 0075 0436 062b c001 783a 0719
I tried to change jdk to 10 and it didn't work. I've also tried to change scala version for older (2.11.12) and it also did not help. Anyone has a solution for this problem?
java -version
to verify SBT is really running using Java 8 or newer. – Suma