
Below is the actual volume i need to achieve in 1 hour of my jmeter load test.

Required Request/second=0.14 (520/3600)

Volume chart

Hence i have Throughput shaping timer with Start RPS and End RPS as 0.14 for 3600 Sec.

i have 2 thread groups. Thread group 1 has transactions- Launch and Login.


                **Thread Group** 

Thread group 2 has Action1 and Action2 transactions.


               **Thread group**

Having all these under one thread group ,i can achieve anticipated load using combination of No Of threads required and Throughput COntroller.

But here my requirement is ,i have transactions in different thread groups.

Can anyone tell my how can i distribute the throughput for two different Thread groups.


2 Answers


You should be able to apply the same approach as for the single Thread Group to any amount of Thread Groups.

Throughput Controller obeys JMeter Scoping Rules so if you place it to be as a child of the 2nd Thread Group - it will not have any impact on other Thread Groups

Also be aware that in some cases it's easier to use Switch Controller for requests distribution, check out Running JMeter Samplers with Defined Percentage Probability article for more details.


If you are targeting for specific number of requests per second the best approach is to use

bzm - Arrivals Thread Group

It automatically adjusts userload and maintains target RPS levels.

You are targeting 0.14 request per second that means 8.4 requests per minute so in arrivals thread group enter 8 arrivals per minute (It accepts only whole numbers so you can round off to 8 or 9) Enter Rampup rate steps and maximum number of concurrent users (This helps to limit max number of users )

enter image description here

And inside the thread group you can use throughput controllers to control your transaction executions as shown in above screenshot.

Please refer to the sample test plan from the link ( you can find it in details section of the report).