I am trying to create a rolling computation using rollapply on a window that slides down the columns of an xts data frame. For example, suppose I define an xts object:
df1 <- data.frame(A = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9),
B = c(3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11))
dfxts <- xts(df1, order.by = as.Date(c(30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38)))
This gives the xts function:
1970-01-31 1 3
1970-02-01 2 4
1970-02-02 3 5
1970-02-03 4 6
1970-02-04 5 7
1970-02-05 6 8
1970-02-06 7 9
1970-02-07 8 10
1970-02-08 9 11
As I understand the width parameter, it defines the length of a sliding window where some operation takes place, e.g., a mean operation (although I am not clear about ‘width').
Say I wanted to create a rolling operation on a window of width 3 where I add the 2nd and 3rd elements of the window at each position. At each position of the window I want to add x(2) + x(3). I would get:
1970-01-31 NA NA
1970-02-01 NA NA
1970-02-02 5 9
1970-02-03 7 11
1970-02-04 9 13
1970-02-05 11 15
1970-02-06 13 17
1970-02-07 15 19
1970-02-08 17 21
I try to implement this with:
rollapply(dfxts, width = 3, FUN=function(x) x(2)+x(3), align = "right")
and I get the error:
"Error during wrapup: could not find function “x"
I think I misunderstand how to use rollapply, how to implement an anonymous function, or both.