
I am attempting to use Excel PowerQuery to pull data from a webpage using a cell in the workbook to generate the URL. The URL is concatenated as the ID's come from another source and is currently 1043 characters long.

I am using the answer from this previous question to perform the task of getting the cell value into the query, but I receive an error as it is above 260 characters.

Is there any way around this error?

    Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents(GetValue("SourceFile"))),
    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(Source,{"Name", "Item", "Kind", "Hidden"}),
    #"Expanded Data" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Data", {"Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4", "Column5", "Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17", "Column18", "Column19", "Column20", "Column21", "Column22", "Column23", "Column24"}, {"Data.Column1", "Data.Column2", "Data.Column3", "Data.Column4", "Data.Column5", "Data.Column6", "Data.Column7", "Data.Column8", "Data.Column9", "Data.Column10", "Data.Column11", "Data.Column12", "Data.Column13", "Data.Column14", "Data.Column15", "Data.Column16", "Data.Column17", "Data.Column18", "Data.Column19", "Data.Column20", "Data.Column21", "Data.Column22", "Data.Column23", "Data.Column24"}),
    #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Expanded Data", [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"Project ID", Int64.Type}, {"Project Name", type text}, {"Project Action Status", type text}, {"ID", Int64.Type}, {"Title", type text}, {"Owner", type text}, {"Start date", Int64.Type}, {"Due date", Int64.Type}, {"Actual start date", Int64.Type}, {"Actual end date", Int64.Type}, {"Planned working time", type number}, {"Tracked working time", type number}, {"State", type text}, {"Is overdue?", type logical}, {"Milestone", type text}, {"Project group", type text}, {"Files", Int64.Type}, {"Tags", type any}, {"Predecessor tasks", type any}, {"Successor tasks", type any}, {"Last updated at", type number}, {"Last updated by", type text}, {"Description", type text}, {"Last correspondence", type text}})
    #"Changed Type"

2 Answers


File.Contents probably has a character limit related to the filepath limit in Windows. Since you are getting data from a website though, try using Web.Contents instead of File.Contents.


I found an answer to my question here, using the following solution:

    MyURL = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="PQLink"]}[Content][Column1]{0},
    Source = Excel.Workbook(Web.Contents(MyURL)),
    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(Source,{"Name", "Item", "Kind", "Hidden"}),
    #"Expanded Data" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Data", {"Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4", "Column5", "Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17", "Column18", "Column19", "Column20", "Column21", "Column22", "Column23", "Column24"}, {"Data.Column1", "Data.Column2", "Data.Column3", "Data.Column4", "Data.Column5", "Data.Column6", "Data.Column7", "Data.Column8", "Data.Column9", "Data.Column10", "Data.Column11", "Data.Column12", "Data.Column13", "Data.Column14", "Data.Column15", "Data.Column16", "Data.Column17", "Data.Column18", "Data.Column19", "Data.Column20", "Data.Column21", "Data.Column22", "Data.Column23", "Data.Column24"}),
    #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Expanded Data", [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"Project ID", Int64.Type}, {"Project Name", type text}, {"Project Action Status", type text}, {"ID", Int64.Type}, {"Title", type text}, {"Owner", type text}, {"Start date", Int64.Type}, {"Due date", Int64.Type}, {"Actual start date", Int64.Type}, {"Actual end date", Int64.Type}, {"Planned working time", type number}, {"Tracked working time", type number}, {"State", type text}, {"Is overdue?", type logical}, {"Milestone", type text}, {"Project group", type text}, {"Files", Int64.Type}, {"Tags", type any}, {"Predecessor tasks", type any}, {"Successor tasks", type any}, {"Last updated at", type number}, {"Last updated by", type text}, {"Description", type text}, {"Last correspondence", type text}})
    #"Changed Type"