
I have downloaded and installed XAMPP 7.2.12 for Windows on Windows 7 Ultimate. I have set up XAMPP to run.

All good so far, my PHP sites run locally and everything except phpMyAdmin is available from the XAMPP menu.

However when I try to access phpMyAdmin I get this error:

Access forbidden!

New XAMPP security concept:

Access to the requested directory is only available from the local network.

This setting can be configured in the file "httpd-xampp.conf".

If one of the answers below answered your question, the way this site works works, you'd "accept" the answer, more here: [stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers]. But only if your question really has been answered. If not, consider adding more details to the question.Rishabh Kushwaha

1 Answers


Update your XAMPP files: Windows: C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf

Alias /phpmyadmin "/xampp/phpMyAdmin/"
<Directory "/xampp/phpMyAdmin">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
- Require all granted
+ Require local
+ ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
