Using Apache Beam, I am trying to publish metrics into StackDriver from Dataflow. However, StackDriver doesn't allow to write a value for t0 if a value for t1 has already been written, and unfortunately I haven't found a way yet in Apache Beam to enforce the fact that I want windows to be emitted in temporal order (an EARLY pane for t1 could still go before an ON_TIME for t0, as far as I understood).
So I decided then to disallow any lateness into a 1 minute fix windows, as follow:
.apply("IntoOneMinFixedWindow", Window.<T>into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardMinutes(1)))
.apply("GloballyCount", Combine.globally(Count.<T>combineFn()).withoutDefaults())
.apply("StackDriverWriterFn", ParDo.of(new StackDriverWriterFn(metricName)));
The data in "input" comes from Pub/Sub, while the code in the StackDriverWriterFn is pretty much verbatim from:
When the pipeline is at steady state, this works as expected. However, if for some reason, the pipeline is down for a few minutes and get restarted, the watermark grows very quickly while the catch up with unprocessed data happens and multiple windows gets emitted more or less at the same time, in a not-predictable order, which causes the following error: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: One or more TimeSeries could not be written: Points must be written in order. One or more of the points specified had an older end time than the most recent point.: timeSeries[0]
I wonder if I am missing something, or I am really forced to buffer samples somehow, and sort them before writing into StackDriver.