I have 3 nodes of elassandra running in docker containers.
Containers created like:
Host : docker run --name elassandra-node-1 --net=host -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS="" -e CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME="BD Storage" -e CASSANDRA_DC="DC1" -e CASSANDRA_RACK="r1" -d strapdata/elassandra:latest
Host : docker run --name elassandra-node-2 --net=host -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS="," -e CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME="BD Storage" -e CASSANDRA_DC="DC1" -e CASSANDRA_RACK="r1" -d strapdata/elassandra:latest
Host : docker run --name elassandra-node-3 --net=host -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS=",," -e CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME="BD Storage" -e CASSANDRA_DC="DC1" -e CASSANDRA_RACK="r1" -d strapdata/elassandra:latest
Cluster was working fine for a couple of days since created, elastic, cassandra all was perfect.
Currently however all cassandra nodes became unreachable to each other: Nodetool status on all nodes is like
Datacenter: DC1
Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack DN 11.95 GiB 8 100.0% 7652f66e-194e-4886-ac10-0fc21ac8afeb r1 DN 11.92 GiB 8 100.0% b91fa129-1dd0-4cf8-be96-9c06b23daac6 r1 UN 11.9 GiB 8 100.0% 5c1afcff-b0aa-4985-a3cc-7f932056c08f r1
Where the UN is the current host Same on all other nodes.
Nodetool describecluster on is like
Cluster Information: Name: BD Storage Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.GossipingPropertyFileSnitch DynamicEndPointSnitch: enabled Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner Schema versions: 24fa5e55-3935-3c0e-9808-99ce502fe98d: []
When attached to the first node its only repeating these infos:
2018-12-09 07:47:32,927 WARN [OptionalTasks:1] org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraRoleManager.setupDefaultRole(CassandraRoleManager.java:361) CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready 2018-12-09 07:47:32,927 INFO [OptionalTasks:1] org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraRoleManager$4.run(CassandraRoleManager.java:400) Setup task failed with error, rescheduling 2018-12-09 07:47:32,980 INFO [HANDSHAKE-/] org.apache.cassandra.net.OutboundTcpConnection.lambda$handshakeVersion$1(OutboundTcpConnection.java:561) Handshaking version with / 2018-12-09 07:47:32,980 INFO [HANDSHAKE-/] org.apache.cassandra.net.OutboundTcpConnection.lambda$handshakeVersion$1(OutboundTcpConnection.java:561) Handshaking version with /
After a while when some node is restarted:
2018-12-09 07:52:21,972 WARN [MigrationStage:1] org.apache.cassandra.service.MigrationTask.runMayThrow(MigrationTask.java:67) Can't send schema pull request: node / is down.
Tried so far: Restarting all containers at the same time Restarting all containers one after another Restarting cassandra in all containers like : service cassandra restart Nodetool disablegossip then enable it Nodetool repair : Repair command #1 failed with error Endpoint not alive: /
Seems that all node schemas are different, but I still dont understand why they are marked as down to each other.