I'm trying to do some drag and drop between 2 spark List located in different components. Because my first attempt didn't work, I decide to Google it and read some more about DragAndDrop ... tried all the examples I could find but nothing seams to work for me.
So let's go to the point.
- Component A has List1
- Component B has List2
Component A - List 1 has dragEnabled="true"
and mouseDown="initiateDrag(event)"
private function initiateDrag(e:MouseEvent):void{
var dragInitiator:IUIComponent = e.target as IUIComponent;
var de:DragSource = new DragSource;
de.addData(dragInitiator, 'artist');
DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, de, e);
By what I read, usind the mouseDown
I'm starting a the drag event creating what kind of data I'm going to drag ... this case 'artist'
Component B - List 2 has dropEnabled="true", dragEnter="dragEnterHandler(event)" and dragDrop="dragDropHandler(event)"
private function dragEnterHandler(e:DragEvent):void{
Now, what I'm expecting was, when I drag the itemRender from Component A List 1 over Component B List 2 is to call the function dragEnterHandler(event)
, and it does ... but I was also expecting that the DragManager.acceptDragDrop(List(e.currentTarget))
whould change indicator from the "red cross" to the "green plus" and that's not happening ... and because of that, the dragged itemRender (proxi) moves back to its original list in this case it moves back to Component A List 1
I already spent hours and hours debugging and testing other approaches and none seams to work for me.
Is there anyone here familiarize with drag and drop between components that may help me?