My query:
SELECT op_arv
FROM my_table@OTHER_DB
The "¿" symbol should not be there.
If I then run:
substr(op_arv,2,1) AS t_substr
,ascii(substr(op_arv,2,1)) AS t_ascii
,chr(ascii(substr(op_arv,2,1))) AS t_chr_ascii
,asciistr(substr(op_arv,2,1)) AS asciistr_1
FROM my_table@OTHER_DB
I get the following output:
The ASCII function returns 146, which corresponds to the ’ (apostrophe) symbol which makes sense. But if I try to "CHR()" the actual value, I will get ¿ instead of ’. CHR(146) gives me the correct symbol...
Running ASCIISTR function will return the Unicode value \0092 which is a unicode control character, not an apostrophe...
I am running Oracle 11gR2 with NLS_CHARACTERSET= WE8MSWIN1252. I am connecting (through a database link) to an Oracle database running with NLS_CHARACTERSET= WE8ISO8859P1.
Any ideas?
Thank you!