
Since I'm a fairly new user when it comes to the Enterprise Architect, I'm stuck at this problem.

I need to write a script to transform each item marked as <<property>> in the class diagram, into an attribute of that particular class.

So far, I've come to this and I am not sure how can I change each property into an attribute.

When I try to add a new attribute like this:

selectedObject.Attributes.AddNew("example", "int");

It crashes with an error that this collection is null or not an object.

Even when I add an attribute to the class manually and then try to access it with the method selectedObject.Attributes.GetAt(0); it still crashes with the error: Script.script 'Attributes' is null or not an object, Line: 39.

Below is my full code:

var currentDiagram as EA.Diagram;
currentDiagram = Repository.GetCurrentDiagram();

if ( currentDiagram != null )
    // Get a reference to any selected connector/objects
    var selectedObjects as EA.Collection;
    selectedObjects = currentDiagram.SelectedObjects();

    if ( selectedObjects.Count > 0 )
        // One or more diagram objects are selected
        var selectedObject as EA.Element;

        for(var i = 0; i < selectedObjects.Count; ++i)
            selectedObject = selectedObjects.GetAt(i);


            selectedObject.Attributes.AddNew("example", "int");

Please indicate the language you are using (with the appropriate tag), the exact error message you are getting and a minimal complete example of the codeGeert Bellekens

1 Answers

selectedObjects = currentDiagram.SelectedObjects();

returns diagram elements. You need to retrieve the element first.

elemId = selectedObjects.getat(0).elementId:
element = Repository.GetElementByID(elemId);

will return the first element of selected diagram elements.

Previous bug

Actually your code uses


which of course won't work since you need (as you mentioned above) to supply two parameters: the name and the (eventually blank) type. Note that the name must be unique.

So it should be

attr = selectedObject.Attributes.AddNew("theName", "someType");

(Sorry, I don't know how to declare a new variable attr in the language you use.)