
I try to create a Firebase cloud function that react on new "Event" in the realtime database and add a "notification" object in a notification list for the corresponding users. i succeed to get new event information,to push a notification a corresponding users but not in a list format (but in hashmap format).

So I tried to get the numbers of children in order to push new notification with the good index. I don't know how to manage promises in that case.

The idea is to get sport_name and level from the new event, to get corresponding users in Sport and add notification for each users.

  • There is my cloud function :

    exports.detectEvent = functions.database
    .onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
        const event = snapshot.val();
        const sport = event.sport.name;
        const level = event.niveau;
        const name = event.name;
        var promises=[];
        var path = "Sports/" + sport + "/" + level;
        var notif = {
            type : "Event",
            contentID : context.params.eventID,
            message : sport + " : Un nouvel événement vous correspond ! ",
            seen : false,
            date : "01"
        console.log('path ', path);
        return admin.database().ref(path).once("value", function(result) {
            var datas = result.val();
            for (var property in datas)  {
                if (datas.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
                    promises.push(admin.database().ref("Users/"+datas[property]+"/notifications").on("value", function(snapshot) {
                        console.log("There are "+snapshot.numChildren()+" notifs");
        return Promise.all(promises);


  • There is the table :


You have two return statements in your function. That can't possibly be what you want - a function can only return one value. Also, you are not dealing with promises correctly. Lastly, you should almost never use on(). Use once() instead to get data a single time.Doug Stevenson
Thank you for your answer. Do you have an idea of ​​how to do it?Naadril

1 Answers


This code works but it create a random key for notifications. How to put integer (0,1,2,...) as key in order to have a list in my database ?

exports.detectEvent = functions.database
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
    const event = snapshot.val();
    const sport = event.sport.name;
    const level = event.niveau;
    const name = event.name;
    var promises=[];
    var path = "Sports/" + sport + "/" + level;
    var notif = {
        type : "Event",
        contentID : context.params.eventID,
        message : sport + " : Un nouvel événement vous correspond ! ",
        seen : false,
        date : "01"
    console.log('path ', path);
    return admin.database().ref(path).once("value", function(result) {
        var datas = result.val();
        for (var property in datas)  {
            if (datas.hasOwnProperty(property)) {

        return Promise.all(promises);
