I am working on a project in my organization where I have to implement ag-grid .I know ag-grid has a gridready event function which fires initially and sets the params with all grid api properties . My rowdata is constantly changing which is coming from some other component ,I have added a handler (function) where I want to call gridready event again which sets my rowdata with the latest values . The problem is gridapi properties will be initialized only at 1st time ,I want to access those (gridapi) properties in my handler as well which is becoming undefined now ,how to access gridapi properties even after grid initialization and scope is lost. I don't have the exact code ,I have added some code snapshots which will describe my situation exactly.
@Input() gridData
ngOnit() {
handler() {
want to call grid ready but params will be undefined ,how to set this gridapi properties.
gridready(params) {
this.gridapi =params.api;
this.columnapi =params.clumnapi