I am designing an IVR with Twilio studio, so it remains modular and flexible. At some point I have to use the widget "http request" to an external application. When I complete the widget, if I select content type "Application/JSON" instead of "Form URL Encoded" (this is needed by my external application), then the field of the hearders dissapears and it is not possible annymore to specify a Authorization/Bearer like a normal POST request. If I switch back to "From URL encoded", then the field appears again.
Is this a bug ? is this a feature ? do I do something wrong ?
I have been through all the doc I found (Twilio, stack overflow; google), and I tried to switch from Chrome and Firefox, but it remains the same.
Anybody an idea please ?
NB I think I can solve this by creating a backend app like a Twilio function that can be called by a post without authorization bearer and it will do the POST of my JSON to the external app (with authorization and bearer, hardcoded inside the function). But then I could better stop using twilio studio and code everything in the function ... what I wanted to avoid. Thx in advance