I have an Inno Setup installation which successfully run a batch file when finished. The batch asks for admin rights, gets them and does things.
I've been asked to completely hide the prompt window, so I've added "Flags: runhidden" in Inno Setup and @echo off and >nul 2>nul in the batch. But the batch still flash a prompt window, because of this:
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & goto
batch & exit /b)
I have not written this code by myself and I'm not expert about batch programming, but I'm pretty sure that these lines open a new prompt with admin permissions, and that's the prompt flashing.
Does anyone know if there's a solution to this? Maybe some flag to add to "powershell start", or another completely different way to do this task.
Thank you all in advance
Set MyScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MyScript.Run "D:\SomeDir\scriptname.cmd", 0, False
then launch the vbs script instead. – Gerhard