
I have an Inno Setup installation which successfully run a batch file when finished. The batch asks for admin rights, gets them and does things.

I've been asked to completely hide the prompt window, so I've added "Flags: runhidden" in Inno Setup and @echo off and >nul 2>nul in the batch. But the batch still flash a prompt window, because of this:

if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & goto 
batch & exit /b)



I have not written this code by myself and I'm not expert about batch programming, but I'm pretty sure that these lines open a new prompt with admin permissions, and that's the prompt flashing.

Does anyone know if there's a solution to this? Maybe some flag to add to "powershell start", or another completely different way to do this task.

Thank you all in advance

maybe rather just use vbs to hide it from view, including any flashes. Set MyScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MyScript.Run "D:\SomeDir\scriptname.cmd", 0, False then launch the vbs script instead.Gerhard

1 Answers


Don't make the batch file ask for Administrator permissions.

Run the batch file with Administrator permissions straight away:
Run process (net.exe or sc.exe) with Administrator privileges at the end of an installation in Inno Setup

Filename: "{app}\my.bat"; Description: "Run my batch file"; \
    Flags: postinstall runascurrentuser runhidden