I'm trying to convert an EPS file with an embedded TIFF that has a transparent background to a PNG using GhostScript. The problem that I am having is that the background of the TIFF image becomes white in the PNG. It looks like the following:
When I export from Adobe Illustrator, it comes out correct:
I was reading that there is not transparency in EPS, only marked and unmarked areas. I was wondering if there was a call that I was missing that would create the PNG through Ghostscript similar to that of Illustrator? Or if there is any other alternative that doesn't just replace white with transparency through ImageMagick?
I am using Windows and have Ghostscript 9.25 installed. Here is the command (one of many) that I've tried:
-q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r300 -dEPSCrop NamePlatePNG.png NamePlate.eps
I can get the EPS file to you if needed. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
UPDATE: Here is the EPS file (Hopefully this link works):
Also, I should have mentioned that the images I uploaded were just screenshots of the PNGs open in an image editor. The checkered portion is indeed fully transparent alpha channel. I was trying to easily accentuate the difference.
convert -colorspace SRG -density 300 input.EPS output.png
. If that does not work, then post a link to your EPS file. Sorry, I do not know the argument for Ghostscript to convert to sRGB. – fmw42convert -colorspace sRGB -density 300 input.eps output.png
. You may have to edit the policy.xml file to relax the security restriction on PDF, EPS, PS etc. See stackoverflow.com/questions/52861946/…. – fmw42convert -colorspace sRGB NamePlate.eps NamePlate.png
. Sorry I do not know what is wrong. I get the same thing when opening in Photoshop. So perhaps it is the way the EPS file was created. – fmw42