
I have been writing an actions on google app tied into dialog flow with a .net fulfillment back end. My app needs coarse location to function. However in testing the location is always empty when I use the coarse location permission. When I change the permission to precise it sends lat and long back, but when I use coarse it does not send back the address entered in the simulator location box.

Edit: The device type is set to speaker at the top.

Edit2: Added images album https://imgur.com/a/C6XPATL

Can you update your question to include the code, screen shots of the Intent you think you should be triggered, along with samples of the JSON that you're getting?Prisoner
Yes I have added some screens. The thing is all the intents and permissions are working because device precise location works like it should. Its only the coarse location that's empty.Jonathan Ellis
@JonathanEllis did you ever resolve this as I have the same issuemjroodt
@mjroodt no I never did find a fix for this.Jonathan Ellis

1 Answers


According to the documentation:

Currently, precise location only returns lat/lng coordinates on phones and a geocoded address on voice-activated speakers. Coarse location only works on voice-activated speakers.

To make sure you are testing with the speakers in simulation, make sure you have selected that device icon before you invoke the action

enter image description here