
I would need to create a trigger binding on an MQTT message from a broker outside of Azure. Is there any documentation on how to create custom bindings for triggers?

Azure Functions V2 with C# Thanks a lot

P.S. Work this example for my porpuse? https://medium.com/@yuka1984/how-to-make-custom-trigger-with-azure-functions-3bd85551ac5e

There's a NuGet package for that already... CaseOnline.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Mqttrickvdbosch
Thanks a lot @rickvdbosch, I will try it!Andrea Tosato
Make sure to run your Azure Function in App Service Plan. Custom triggers will only work (without being supported) in those, not in Consumption Plan.silent
Maybe it's better to decouple your MQTT traffic to Azure Service Bus or something similar first and than process it with Azure Functions (push to pull decoupling help you to gain more control over your workload)Sebastian Achatz

1 Answers


Custom triggers are not available for Azure Functions.

Source: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/wiki/Creating-custom-input-and-output-bindings

You can actually write custom triggers, I did that a while ago based on this, but it's not supported. Especially since the whole scale out logic will not work.

Supported are only custom input and output bindings at this time.