
I have a Kubernetes pod consisting of two containers - main app (writes logs to file on volume) and Fluentd sidecar that tails log file and writes to Elasticsearch.

Here is the Fluentd configuration:

  type tail
  format none
  path /test/log/system.log
  pos_file /test/log/system.log.pos
  tag anm

<match **>
  @id elasticsearch
  @type elasticsearch
  @log_level debug
  time_key @timestamp
  include_timestamp true
  include_tag_key true
  host elasticsearch-logging.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
  port 9200
  logstash_format true
    @type file
    path /var/log/fluentd-buffers/kubernetes.system.buffer
    flush_mode interval
    retry_type exponential_backoff
    flush_thread_count 2
    flush_interval 5s
    retry_max_interval 30
    chunk_limit_size 2M
    queue_limit_length 8
    overflow_action block

Everything is working, Elasticsearch host & port are correct since API works correctly on that URL. In Kibana I see only records every 5 seconds about Fluentd creating new chunk:

2018-12-03 12:15:50 +0000 [debug]: #0 [elasticsearch] Created new chunk chunk_id="57c1d1c105bcc60d2e2e671dfa5bef04" metadata=#<struct Fluent::Plugin::Buffer::Metadata timekey=nil, tag="anm", variables=nil>

but no actual logs in Kibana (the ones that are being written by the app to system.log file). Kibana is configured to the "logstash-*" index pattern that matches the one and only existing index.

Version of Fluentd image: k8s.gcr.io/fluentd-elasticsearch:v2.0.4

Version of Elasticsearch: k8s.gcr.io/elasticsearch:v6.3.0

Where can I check to find out what's wrong? Looks like Fluentd does not get to put the logs into Elasticsearch, but what can be the reason?

Please provide a Deployment or Pod spec.Ohmen
You may want to check if there are really logs in /test/log/system.log based on your fluentd side car config.Bal Chua

1 Answers


The answer turned out to be embarrassingly simple, maybe will help someone in the future.

I figured the problem was with this source config line:

    format none

That meant that no usual tags where added when saved to elasticsearch (e.g. pod or container name) and I had to search for these records in Kibana in a completely different way. For instance, I used my own tag to search for those records and found them alright. The custom tag was originally added just in case, but turned out to be very useful:

    tag anm

So, the final takeaway could be the following. Use "format none" with caution, and if the source data actually is unstructured, add your own tags, and possibly enrich with additional tags/info (e.g. "hostname", etc) using fluentd's record_transformer, which I ended up also doing. Then it will be much easier to locate the records via Kibana.