I want to make function that take lazy list of int
and returns lazy list with increase number of elements, each element x
have to be repeated x
times. For example, I will be writing lazy lists like regular, for more readability, I give to function [1; 2; 3], it returns [1; 2; 2; 3; 3; 3].
I write some code, that have to do it:
type 'a lazyList = LNil | LCons of 'a * (unit -> 'a lazyList);;
let lhd = function
| LNil -> failwith "lhd"
| LCons (x, _) -> x
let ltl = function
| LNil -> failwith "ltl"
| LCons (_, xf) -> xf()
let increase llist =
let rec increaseHelper (count, lList) = match (count, lList) with
| (0, LCons(_, xf)) -> increaseHelper((lhd (ltl llist)), (xf()))
| (_, LCons(x, _)) -> LCons(x, function() -> increaseHelper(count - 1, lList))
| (_, LNil) -> LNil
in increaseHelper(lhd llist, llist)
(* ltake function return n elements of lazy in regular list *)
let rec ltake = function
| (0, _) -> []
| (_, LNil) -> []
| (n, LCons(x, xf)) -> x :: ltake(n - 1, xf())
ltake (20,increase (LCons(4, function() -> LCons(3, function() -> LCons(1, function() -> LCons(4, function() -> LNil))))));;
This test return: - : int list = [4; 4; 4; 4; 3; 3; 3; 1; 1; 1; 4; 4; 4]
So main problem is that increase function works fine for first two elements of lazy list, but at 3 - infinity elements it save statement from 2 element, how many times repeat element