I'm new in Cassandra and I'm trying to learn a bit more of how this DB engine works (specially the CQL part ) and compare it with Mysql.
With this in mind I was trying some query's, but there is one particular query that I can't figure out. From what I could read it seams that it's not possible to do this query in Cassandra, but I would like to know for sure if there is somework around that.
Imagine the following table [Customer] with PRIMARY_KEY = id:
id, name, city, country, email
01, Jhon, NY, USA, jhon@
02, Mary, DC, USA, mary@
03, Smith, L, UK, smith@
I want to get a listing that shows me how many customers I have per country and ORDER BY DESC.
In mySQL it would be something like
SELECT COUNT(Id), country
FROM customer
GROUP BY country
But in Cassandra (CQL) it seems that I can't do GROUP BY of columns that aren't PRIMARY_KEY (like the case of "country" ), is there anyway arround this ???