I am trying to get the url that getDownloadURL() should return. However it is in fact returning me data like this.
I have manage to display it on the html, however my real purpose is to get the URL, that can be seen on the image I posted, so I can get it and save it on my Firestore Database. However I dont know how to get that value. This is my snipet:
getImgFromServer(imgName: string): string {
let img;
let downloadIMG;
img = firebase.storage().ref("/imgs/" + imgName).getDownloadURL();
let ref= firebase.storage().ref();
const imgRef = ref.child("/imgs/" + imgName);
img = downloadIMG;
console.log("MY URL " + downloadIMG)
return img
When debugging this log, this code prints the URL I want to use:
console.log("MY URL " + downloadIMG)
However this one, prints the data from the image :
I would like to return the URL alone so I can use it.
Now that I am getting the URL I would like to save it on the Cloud Firestore so I can use the URL on the HTML to show the picture. This is the function that store the name of the image:
With the answer given by Frank, now I can get the URL, so I just use it to take the URL and with the following function, update the document that I have just uploaded.
async updateImg(img,idPubli){
const imgToUpdate= await this.imgServ.getImgFromServer(img);
However it seems that it is not working. I can imagine that this might be because either the image or the document havent been uploaded before the updateImg() is execute, but I am kinda new to async functions so I can't manage to get a solution rigth now.
In case it helps, this are the functions where I upload the image and the function that uploads it.
submit() {
After the dismiss function, I gather all the dataand then call the createPublic() function.
uploadImage() {
this.image = 'movie-' + new Date().getTime() + '.jpg';
let storageRef: any,
parseUpload: any;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
storageRef = firebase.storage().ref('imgs/' + this.image);
parseUpload = storageRef.putString(this.cameraImage, 'data_url');
parseUpload.on('state_changed', (_snapshot) => {
// We could log the progress here IF necessary
// console.log('snapshot progess ' + _snapshot);
(_err) => {
(success) => {