I am quite new to PowerShell and on the site.
My issue is that I found a script which I have modified. The script is working, but only partial; it is not returning all the groups. Only 4 groups and after that is displaying "....." and no other info (you can see the picture).
Basically what I want to do is the following:
I have 100 users and I need to export the group membership of these 100 users.
[$users = Get-Content "D:\users.txt"
$adjob = foreach ($user in $users) {
Get-ADUser -server "myserver" –Identity $user –Properties MemberOf
$adjob | Select-Object Name,@{N='Group';E={$_.MemberOf -replace '^CN=(\[^,\]+),OU=.+$','$1'}} | Format-Table -AutoSize | out-file D:\users.csv][1]
Thise script should return:
group1,group2,group3,rest of the groups for each User
group1,group2,group3,rest of the groups for each User
group1,group2,group3,rest of the groups for each User
Thank you for the help!