Enabling VM diagnostics in Azure is such a pain. I've gotten it working using ARM templates, the Azure PowerShell SDK, and the Azure CLI. But I've been trying for days now to enable VM diagnostics for both Windows and Linux VMs using Terraform and the azurerm_virtual_machine_extension resource. Still not working, ugh!
Here's what I have so far (I've tweaked this a bit to simplify it for this post, so hope I didn't break anything with my manual edits):
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "vm-linux" {
count = "${local.is_windows_vm == "false" ? 1 : 0}"
depends_on = ["azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment.vm"]
name = "LinuxDiagnostic"
location = "${var.location}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
virtual_machine_name = "${local.vm_name}"
publisher = "Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics"
type = "LinuxDiagnostic"
type_handler_version = "3.0"
auto_upgrade_minor_version = "true"
# The JSON file referenced below was created by running "az vm diagnostics get-default-config", and adding/verifying the "__DIAGNOSTIC_STORAGE_ACCOUNT__" and "__VM_RESOURCE_ID__" placeholders.
settings = <<SETTINGS
"ladCfg": "${base64encode(replace(replace(file("${path.module}/.diag-settings/linux_diag_config.json"), "__DIAGNOSTIC_STORAGE_ACCOUNT__", "${module.vm_storage_account.name}"), "__VM_RESOURCE_ID__", "${local.metricsresourceid}"))}",
"storageAccount": "${module.vm_storage_account.name}"
# SAS token below: Do not include the leading question mark, as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/extensions/diagnostics-linux.
protected_settings = <<SETTINGS
"storageAccountName": "${module.vm_storage_account.name}",
"storageAccountSasToken": "${replace(data.azurerm_storage_account_sas.current.sas, "/^\\?/", "")}",
"storageAccountEndPoint": "https://core.windows.net/"
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "vm-win" {
count = "${local.is_windows_vm == "true" ? 1 : 0}"
depends_on = ["azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment.vm"]
name = "Microsoft.Insights.VMDiagnosticsSettings"
location = "${var.location}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
virtual_machine_name = "${local.vm_name}"
publisher = "Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics"
type = "IaaSDiagnostics"
type_handler_version = "1.9"
auto_upgrade_minor_version = "true"
# The JSON file referenced below was created by running "az vm diagnostics get-default-config --is-windows-os", and adding/verifying the "__DIAGNOSTIC_STORAGE_ACCOUNT__" and "__VM_RESOURCE_ID__" placeholders.
settings = <<SETTINGS
"wadCfg": "${base64encode(replace(replace(file("${path.module}/.diag-settings/windows_diag_config.json"), "__DIAGNOSTIC_STORAGE_ACCOUNT__", "${module.vm_storage_account.name}"), "__VM_RESOURCE_ID__", "${local.metricsresourceid}"))}",
"storageAccount": "${module.vm_storage_account.name}"
protected_settings = <<SETTINGS
"storageAccountName": "${module.vm_storage_account.name}",
"storageAccountSasToken": "${data.azurerm_storage_account_sas.current.sas}",
"storageAccountEndPoint": "https://core.windows.net/"
Notice that for both Linux and Windows I'm loading the diagnostics details from a JSON file within the code base, as per the comments. These are the default configs provided by Azure, so they should be valid.
When I deploy these, the Linux VM extension deploys successfully, but in the Azure portal the extension says "Problems detected in generated mdsd configuration". And if I look at the VM's "Diagnostic settings" it says "Error encountered: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'diagnosticMonitorConfiguration'". The Windows VM extension fails to deploy altogether, saying that it "Failed to read configuration". If I view the extension in the portal it displays the following error:
"code": "ComponentStatus//failed/-3",
"level": "Error",
"displayStatus": "Provisioning failed",
"message": "Error starting the diagnostics extension"
And if I look at the "Diagnostics settings" pane it just hangs with a never-ending ". . ." animation.
However, if I look at the "terraform apply" output for both VM extensions, the decoded settings look exactly as intended, matching the config files with the placeholders correctly replaced.
Any suggestions on how to get this working?
Thanks in advance!
, should be"https://blob.core.windows.net/"
– 4c74356b41az vm diagnostics get-default-config
. I'm open to suggestions for a better way to get a working config, but I'm inclined to consider that a very reliable source. – Vincehttp://core/windows.net/
, that comes straight from multiple Microsoft docs online, such as this, and this, and this, and this, etc., etc. – Vince