
I have an Activiti app which needs to be integrated with the Azure Active directory for user sign in and authentication. The application is registered on the Azure AD and I have the following information:

  1. tenant ID
  2. CID
  3. key

I am trying to follow the steps in the official documentation here, using the implicit flow.

All the examples I could find for it make use of the msal.js library to authenticate users with Microsoft Azure Active Directory accounts. But i need to achieve this without using any libraries. How do I proceed with this?

How and where in the activiti-UI do i need to put in the code to hit the following URL given in the steps


Any examples on this would be of great help!!

Thanks in advance!


1 Answers


For the doc you choose, it does not use a library.

To refer to this doc, your app is required to be registered in the v2 endpoint, like Application Registration Portal or app registration(preview) in Azure Portal. And you also need to enable Allow Implicit Flow for the Web client.

Send the sign-in request in your browser:

client_id=your application id
&redirect_uri=your application redirect urls

The response like this: enter image description here By this, you could get the id_token for the sign-in user. If you want to get the access_token, you need to replace openid in the scope with the resource url with the format(like microsoft graph: https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read), and replace the id_token with access_token in the response_type. The access_token response like this: enter image description here

If you want to parse the token, you could use jwt.io.