I am having an issue with a TYPO3 site which seems to be stripping out images whenever I view it in the backend.
I have a page which has images on it (on the frontend), but when I go to edit it in the backend, I don't see the images. I then try to save it and the images are removed and not showing on the front end. The images are replaced with ' ' and I can't figure out why.
The config in my tsconfig.ts file for RTE is:
RTE.default {
# Default target for links
#defaultLinkTarget = _top
# Buttons to show
showButtons := removeFromList(about)
#showButtons := addToList(fonticon)
RTEHeightOverride = 500
RTEWidthOverride = 700
rteResize = 1
enableWordClean = 1
removeTrailingBR = 1
removeComments = 1
removeTagsAndContents = style,script
showStatusBar = 1
# Specifies that Mozilla/Firefox should not provide handles for resizing objects such as tables (and images)
disableObjectResizing = 1
buttons {
left.useClass = text-left
center.useClass = text-center
right.useClass = text-right
justifyfull.useClass = text-justify
blockstyle.tags {
#table.allowedClasses >
table.allowedClasses = table, table-striped, table-bordered, table-hover, table-condensed
div.allowedClasses = table-responsive
p.allowedClasses = lead, text-left, text-center, text-right, small
blockquote.allowedClasses = pull-left, pull-right
h1.allowedClasses = text-left, text-center, text-right
h2.allowedClasses = text-left, text-center, text-right
h3.allowedClasses = text-left, text-center, text-right
h4.allowedClasses = text-left, text-center, text-right
tr.allowedClasses = success, danger, warning, active
td.allowedClasses = text-left, text-center, text-right, success, danger, warning, active
formatblock {
removeItems = article,aside,footer,header,h6,nav,section
orderItems = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, p, quotation, div
textstyle {
tags.span.allowedClasses >
#tags.span.allowedClasses = text-warning, text-danger, text-info, text-success
tags.REInlineTags >
REInlineTags >
link {
# enable field for link rel-attribute
relAttribute.enabled = 1
properties.class.allowedClasses := addToList(lightbox,btn btn-default,btn btn-primary,btn btn-info,btn btn-inverse,btn btn-primary btn-lg,btn btn-info btn-lg)
table {
disableEnterParagraphs = 1
# for firefox only: show special inline row/col manipulation "icons" (not useful)
#enableHandles = 1
proc {
overruleMode = ts_css
dontConvBRtoParagraph = 1
remapParagraphTag = p
entryHTMLparser_db.tags.img >
#allowTags := addToList(button)
denyTags >
#keepPDIVattribs = xml:lang,class,style,align,id
keepPDIVattribs = xml:lang,class,id
#allowedClasses < RTE.default.classesCharacter
allowedClasses (
external-link, internal-link, download, mail,
text-left, text-center, text-right, text-justify,
text-info, text-success, text-warning, text-danger
lead, badge,
table, success, warning, danger, active,
lightbox, indent,
btn, btn-default, btn-primary, btn-info, btn-success, btn-warning, btn-danger, btn-inverse, btn-link, btn-lg, btn-sm, btn-xs
allowTagsOutside = img,hr,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,br,ul,ol,li,pre,address,span,blockquote
allowTagsInTypolists = br,font,b,i,u,a,img,span
# Remapping b and i to strong and em (in FE)
exitHTMLparser_db = 1
exitHTMLparser_db {
allowTags < RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.allowTags
tags.b.remap = strong
tags.i.remap = em
# fix/cleanup RTE stuff <p style="line-height: 1.428...">
rmTagIfNoAttrib = div, span
tags.p.fixAttrib.style.unset = 1
tags.span.fixAttrib.style.unset = 1
tags.div.fixAttrib.style.unset = 1
exitHTMLparser_rte = 1
exitHTMLparser_rte {
allowTags < RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.allowTags
keepNonMatchedTags = 1
I am using typo3 8.7.2 and the RTE plugin is rtehtmlarea