
As per documentation: Quick Filter, quick filter works with clientSide row model.

We are using serverSide row model for and we have a requirement to use quick filter with the data we have at client - in the cache blocks of the grid.

I though of using filter pipe with [rowData]="myRowData", but with this row model, I don't get any data from myRowData.

For example, if you have a look at this plunk Server side row model - quick filter, I have assigned [rowData]="rowData" in the markup and initialised it as [].

After loading initial chunk from server, I was assuming that the cache block data should be accessible with it, so that using angular pipe, I would be able to filter out the data at client side (mimicking the quick filter with serverSide row model). Something like [rowData]="rowData | filter: filterText" - like what we used to do in

But I'm afraid the cache data are not accessible with rowData.

How can we somehow use Quick Filter with ag-grid having serverSide row model?

provide a short sample pls, for playing workaroundun.spike
updated the question with link to the plunkParitosh
I can't say enough thank you for asking this question. This is exactly what I was looking and the answer given solved the problem and save me lots of working and debugging hours. This community is the best for developers like getting in triouble often times.omostan

2 Answers


I would say it wasn't an easy task.

But here is how it could be solved:

  1. As you already mentioned quickFilter is a clientSide model type feature
  2. But no one has cancelled the setFilterModel way of usages

    It would require a lot of hacks and could break something (you have to check it on your solution and write a feedback then)

First of all, setFilterModel can't work with virtual data (we have to define column especially for quickFilter logic)

    field:'-', would be used as a reference
    hide:true, - hide in grid data
    lockVisible:true, - disable visibility changing via menu
    filter:"agTextColumnFilter", - require for setFilterModel
      newRowsAction: "keep"

Next, we need to create a workaround for filterModel in datasource

getRows: function(params) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        var dataAfterSortingAndFiltering = sortAndFilter(data, params.sortModel, params.filterModel);
        var rowsThisPage = dataAfterSortingAndFiltering.slice(params.startRow, params.endRow);
        var lastRow = -1;
        if (dataAfterSortingAndFiltering.length <= params.endRow) {
            lastRow = dataAfterSortingAndFiltering.length;
        params.successCallback(rowsThisPage, lastRow);
    }, 3000);

function sortAndFilter(allOfTheData, sortModel, filterModel) {
  return sortData(sortModel, filterData(filterModel, allOfTheData));
function sortData(sortModel, data) {
  ... sort logic here (doesn't matter for now) ...

Now about quickFilter logic, we've defined dummy column for it and here how it should be used:

setFilterModel will accept only existing column name ("-" in our case)

and with limited object props: but we will use filter (as it used in real cases)

    this.gridApi.setFilterModel({"-":{filter: this.filterText}})

and the last point of implementation is filterData function

function filterData(filterModel, data) {
  let filterPresent = filterModel && Object.keys(filterModel).length > 0;
  if (!filterPresent) { - if filter model is empty - skip it
    return data;
  data = data.filter(i=>{
    if(Object.keys(i).some(k => i[k] && i[k].toString().toLowerCase().includes(filterModel['-'].filter)))
      return i;
  return data;

Each object would be explored, and if any property contains quickFilter value - it would be in the result

Moreover, once you will scroll out of existing range (infinite scroll case) requested data would be filtered by this property

*not sure about duplicated data check on request

My sample

Your modified sample


Eventually I found ag-Grid's support article:


Its first example suggests to edit the getRows of your ServerSideDatasource to append to params.request a new key.

For example, you could do something like the following:

const customParams = {};
customParams.quickFilterValue = 'someQuery';

In onGridReady:

const datasource = createServerSideDatasource(server, customParams);
 * @param {object} server
 * @param {object} customParams
 * @returns {object}
export function createServerSideDatasource(server, customParams) {
  // https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-server-side-model-datasource/

  return {
    getRows: function (params) {
      params.request.customParams = customParams // Our backend will need to handle this custom 'customParams' key that the frontend attaches to the request (which itself will contain a quickFilterValue key and maybe others).

      const response = server.getData(params.request);

      if (response.success) {
        params.successCallback(response.rows, response.lastRow);
      } else {
