My question is about Spring-Kafka and Spring Cloud compatibility.
I am using the following versions:
- Kafka Broker 1.0.2
- Spring Boot 1.5.2
- Spring Kafka 1.2.2
- Spring Cloud Stream Chelsea.SR2 (Spring Cloud Stream Core 1.2.2.RELEASE)
The compatibility between Spring-Kafka and Spring Boot was asked in a different SO question a few days ago. The Spring-Kafka project page was updated with more details about the compatibility. The project site states the following:
All users with brokers >= 0.10.x.x (and all spring boot 1.5.x users) are recommended to use spring-kafka version 1.3.x
The compatibility matrix for Spring Cloud Stream and Spring-Kafka states that:
Spring Cloud Stream 1.2.x is compatible with Spring-Kafka 1.2.x, 1.1.x.
The Spring-Kafka project page recommends me to upgrade to 1.3.X, but my version of Spring Cloud Stream is no compatible with Spring-Kafka 1.3.X.
I would prefer to upgrade my Spring-Kafka version to 1.3.8. But I do not want to break Spring Cloud Stream.
Does anyone have experience with using a newer version of Spring-Kafka with an older version of Spring Cloud Stream?