
we have our APIM instance deployed as external but with access to our backend services deployed in a VNET. These services are accessible from only from within that VNET.

Now, we are trying to add a new API using the OpenAPI specification using the URL of the Swagger file (like: http://internalIP/swagger/v1/swagger.json). We first get a notification saying that the URL of the swaggger file should be publicly available and on the popup window it says: Please specify valid OpenAPI specification file.

We actually generated the swagger file locally and uploaded it to the specification by selecting the file and it worked. So the json is valid. It does not work when we enter the URL for the file which, as I said, it is not publicly available.

Can we add OpenAPI specs using an internal URL?

Thanks a lot and regards,


Any process now?Joey Cai

1 Answers


Can we add OpenAPI specs using an internal URL?

It seems that it's hard to import OpenApi from internal URL.

Here is a feedback that you could vote it up to promote the function implementation.