Trying to test Twilio to migrate from Tropo, We alreaddy installed the libraries and tested sucessfully quickstart example But got stuck trying to do a call and play a mp3 file.
Having next PHP function:
public function call_twilioAction(){
$account_sid = '******************************';
$auth_token = '*****************************';
$twilio_number = "NUMBER";
// call to my office
$to_number = "NUMBER";
$client = new Client($account_sid, $auth_token);
"url" => ""
return $this->render('::base.json.twig', array("data" => array()));
And inside the voice.xml file:
As you can check, both files (xml, mp3) are accessible from internet, and are in the same called function host, where is the problem?
Still getting the error:
Twilio\Exceptions\EnvironmentException: (uncaught exception) at Twilio/Http/CurlClient.php line 41
Thank you!!
values are just placeholders and you have valid phone numbers there? – Cody Caughlan<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
– Cody Caughlan