
We have created the LUIS app, where defined the pattern & utterance in one of the intent. as "Please find {Entity1} {Entity2}{Entity3} documents" where are all entities are simple entities ,

we have tested most of the utterances like Please find abc bcd tst documents for some example it works (entity recognition works properly) but other does not

Please suggest suitable way for correct entity recognition for every utterance starting with Please find ... .... ... (ending with)documents


Do you still need help?Kyle Delaney

1 Answers


When matching a pattern, LUIS looks for entities first. Simple entities are machine-learned entities so in order for LUIS to find them it needs to know what those entities are. LUIS won't be able to recognize the simple entities in your pattern unless those entities are present in utterances so that LUIS understands what those entities represent. You can read more about patterns here.

I think it's likely that you don't really need a pattern in your case. Go ahead and try adding utterances to your intent like "Please find abc bcd tst documents" and then mark the entities in the utterances.