
If the destination type is signed, the value does not change if the source integer can be represented in the destination type.

If I understand well, is it guaranteed that :

static_cast<std::int8_t>(static_cast<std::int16_t>(-3)) == -3


Because -3 can be represented in an std::int8_t.

Thus in the example of a two s complement:

Then in the example of the two's complement function, do I need an intermediaite cast to std::uintmax_t?

#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
T twos_complement(T val)
    typedef std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;

    return static_cast<T>(-static_cast<uintmax_t>(static_cast<U>(val)));


return static_cast<T>(-static_cast<U>(val));

integral promotion applied before unary minus could "ruin the effect of casting to an unsigned type if T is narrower than int"?

What are you trying to do?Matthieu Brucher
Writting a two's complement function by using only necessary casts.FlashMcQueen
What's your question exactly? What do you need help with?The Quantum Physicist
First: is the value -3 preserved after casting to narrower signed? Second is it necessary in the example of the two's complement to protect against a potential integral promotion in case T is narrower than int .FlashMcQueen
It is preserved if it fits into smaller type. So -3 is fine. But -1000 is not in your example.Anty

3 Answers


Why don't you get the two's complement like this:

uint32_t num = 10;
uint32_t cmp = ~num + 1; // this is two's complement of 10.

Doesn't this work for you?

EDIT: if you're worried that an overflow may occur (for either signed or unsigned), just do this first:

if(~num == std::numeric_limits<MyIntType>::max()) {
    // overflow mitigation

You can also statically check whether your type is signed or unsigned to mitigate overflow problems in appropriate ways with std::is_signed and std::is_unsigned.


Signed/Unsigned representations are platform-dependent. Even if most modern platforms use the two's complement to represent signed numbers, you can not make this assumption. Using static_cast to perform a two's complement is not the right way to go. If you want to do bit manipulation yourself, use fixed-size unsigned types as in The Quantum Physicist's answer (but note that again, what will happen in case of overflow on the addition is platform dependent).


Adapting the code that you linked with C++ casts:

#include <cstdint>

template <typename T>
T twos_complement(T val)
    return static_cast<T>(-static_cast<uintmax_t>(val));