I'm trying to setup google cloud load balancer for SSL using a certificate (PositiveSSL) that I generated via a certificate authority.
Via the google cloud shell, here is how I generated the key:
openssl genrsa -out my-key.key 2048
And here is how I generated the CSR (certificate signing request):
openssl req -new -key my-key.key -out my-csr.csr
I then used the CSR to obtain the SSL cert from the certificate authority, and I received the following two files:
- my-crt.crt
- my-ca-bundle.ca-bundle
All tolled, I have the following four files:
- my-key.key
- my-csr.csr
- my-crt.crt
- my-ca-bundle.ca-bundle
The image shown below is the form for creating an SSL cert in Google Cloud Load Balancer:
Can you please direct me as to what information goes where (from the files I have at my disposal). I don't have any files that are in .pem