I'm using the variable length relationship feature in a cypher query, and it seems to be mostly working. However I want to include the intermediate node(s) if any in the results and I can't figure out how to best achieve this.
A simplified example is a query like this
MATCH (a:MOL)-[:F2EDGE*1..2]-(b:MOL) RETURN a,b LIMIT 100
The a and b nodes are retrieved as expected and in a few cases they are connected where the path length is 1. But in most cases they are disconnected because the intermediate node (path length 2) is not included in the results. The 2 hop query would look like this:
MATCH (a:MOL)-[:F2EDGE]-(i:F2)-[:F2EDGE]-(b:MOL) RETURN a,i,b LIMIT 100
How can I achieve this?